Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance Of Fast Food - 1157 Words

Fast food has been increasingly popular throughout the twenty-first century because of its sacrifice of health for speed, but that has recently started to change. â€Å"Fast casual† is the idea of a more casual restaurant atmosphere with healthier food, slightly higher prices, and a better overall experience. The transition to a more innovative fast casual mind set has spurred an increasing popularity across the country. Rising awareness in society has helped dawn the rise of the fast casual industry as well as reinforce its potential. The evolution from fast food to â€Å"fast casual† has brought a positive impact to society in regards to better quality ingredients, rising fast casual markets, healthier food choices, customer transparency, and†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The fast casual market,† as Annie Danahay explains, â€Å"has grown by 550% since 1999† (Danahay 2). The market and popularity of fast casual has rapidly increased over the last 1 8 years multiplying itself by five in that timeframe. The increasing popularity of fast casual restaurants has multiplied, allowing for the diffusion of its benefits to healthier lifestyle across America. â€Å"The trend at fast casual restaurants is the transparency in ingredients and a desire to be more socially responsible.† (Danahay 2). The aim of fast casual is for increased transparency toward the American population and healthier responsibility. New trends set by fast casual restaurants are more easily spread due to the increasing market and acceptance of it. Finally, a fairly new and universal demand for fast casual has made spreading new and better trends to American society for positive benefits much easier in our day and age. Healthier food choices have been a crowning achievement for the fairly new fast casual theme. As Annie Danahay explains, â€Å". . . Young people are becoming more conscious of what they’re eating and want food options that are healthi er.† (Danahay 2). An overall ascendance of population awareness is a big factor that has played into healthier menu’s and food options in fast casual restaurants. As a result, healthier food options could conduct a significant drop in obesity, a department America’s population struggles in. As the author states in this article on radicallyShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Fast Food754 Words   |  4 Pageshate to admit it but I eat fast food. I am a repeat offender of eating almost ten Taco Bell tacos in one sitting. Maybe not as frequent as some people, but I eat it at least once a week, sometimes more due to my little brothers unwavering love for delivery pizza. I feel terrible and gross immediately afterwards, but I still do it again the very next week. In terms of food available for consumption, fast food is near the bottom of the totem pole of healthy choices for food. 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