Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Why Communications Is Important in Developing Positive Relationships free essay sample

Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults Communicating effectively within the school setting is very important to enable strong relationship to build between colleagues, children and parents. COLLEAGUES: Communicating positively with colleagues is an important part in helping build a strong and trusting relationship with each other. Communicating in the right way will show colleagues that you are able to talk to them about any aspects of your role as a teaching assistant or show them that you are willing to take on any task within that role. Forming close relationships with the other practitioners will help to inform each other of any worries or concerns that one of you may have regarding a child. It can also encourage conversation regarding any ideas or thoughts you may have regarding lesson planning or activities. However it’s also important to communicate on a social level and develop more of a personal relationship, this in time will help increase the trust between my colleagues and they will see me as someone that can create a positive environment for both children and staff. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Communications Is Important in Developing Positive Relationships or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This will help to develop a calm, happy and relaxed atmosphere creating a positive environment for teaching. CHILDREN: Developing positive relationships with the children is the main key to a happy and calm environment. Without a positive and supportive attitude there will be no trust and honesty between yourself and the children. They will not feel like they can talk to you which may mean they could be keeping something important inside, which could affect their learning or social skills. With good communication from the practitioners, children can effectively engage in goal setting and problem solving which could enhance their ability to learn. The communication should try to be a two way strategy so you should always make sure opportunities are available for questions or discussions for the child or children involved. This will build the confidence of the children when they are communicating with you and it will encourage them to talk without feeling uneasy or uncomfortable which can be half the battle. Positive relationships between practitioners and the children will improve the atmosphere within the classroom and help to provide a happy and friendly environment for learning and socialising. Once a strong relationship is established between the children they feel like they belong and will feel comfortable about coming to you regarding any problems or concerns they may have. PARENTS: All parents of the children should be made to feel welcome and you should make sure you are approachable in order to have good communication between yourself and the parents, this will make knowledge and information regarding their child a lot easier to relay. As with some children, communicating may be more than just talking. Gestures, signing and body language may be required in order to communicate effectively with the parents. They will see that you are trying your best for them and will feel valued and important. It can help build a relationship between the parents and teaching staff and communicating will become much more effective. This goes the same when communicating with anyone with disabilities, ethnic, cultural and social diversity. Good communication between parents and practitioners can help to support and extend the child’s learning and development, both at home and at school. Working together can make the difference between that child struggling at school or getting the support or help that child requires. Regular open days or workshops are an effective way to keep the parents involved or informed with their child’s progress and advice may be given on how to work with their child on areas they need extra support on. It is also an opportunity to share with the parents the policies and procedures that the children need to follow at school. It will help them understand the environment the children learn in and can help by reinforcing these policies at home if necessary. Whatever their background or situation the families should be welcomed and valued in all settings. Positive, supportive interaction with the parents and families will show you respect them and their backgrounds. Where the child speaks a different language, introducing and displaying words from the language to the classroom will make the child feel more at home, but will also involve parents and they can help by contributing to the education of the language and their country which will help them feel important and comfortable within the school community.

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